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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Finance for Manager (Finance) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Finance for Manager (Finance) - Assignment Example Here the study also involves a detailed insight into the duties of the financial manager in the company and again recommendations have been developed on the basis of three main factors, i.e. aid planning, control and performance management in the future. The report also discusses the possible source of finance for the recent investment proposal that the company is currently considering. Here the main focus is on loans as a source of finance; however two more sources of finance have also been included as alternatives for the company. Before moving into the current financial condition of the company and analysis of the company, it is crucial to discuss in brief the overview of the company. Overview of Company: Jool’s Furniture was started twenty one years ago and in 1995, the company went on to becoming manufacturers of kitchen and bedroom furniture and within ten years since then, the company went on to expand and have almost 150 different furniture products. The company has gr own since then and now it majorly consists of four main divisions, i.e. Kitchen, Bedroom, Quality and Office departments. The company employs as many as over 500 employees. Although the company has received a number of options to go public, the owner Smith – Brown prefers to keep the company under his complete control hence the public offers have been declined. The next section will detail an analysis of the current financial condition based on which recommendations have been developed for the company. Jool’s Current Financial Condition: In order to conduct an analysis of the company’s financial position, ratio analysis has been adopted here. The ratios analysis has been conducted in four main types, i.e. profitability ratios, efficiency, liquidity, and financial structure. Each of these has been discussed in detail below. Profitability: Considering the net profit margin of the divisions, it has been noted that each of the divisions has shown immense difference. The table below provides a clear insight into three main ratios here, i.e. gross profit margin, net profit margin, and return on equity (Broadbent & Cullen, 2003). Profitability Ratios Year 2009 2008 2007 Â   Quality Products Division Gross Profit Margin 41.37% 40.45% 38.91% Net Profit Margin 3.36% 1.98% -9.90% Return on Equity 9.99% 5.63% -26.30% Â   Kitchen Division Gross Profit Margin 37.61% 36.20% 39.22% Net Profit Margin 3.51% 3.27% 4.97% Return on Equity 11.54% 11.65% 16.73% Â   Bedroom Division Gross Profit Margin 29.78% 31.44% 26.37% Net Profit Margin 3.22% 3.27% 2.48% Return on Equity 11.86% 13.35% 12.85% Â   Office Supplies Division Gross Profit Margin 36.97% 33.64% 38.90% Net Profit Margin 4.86% 4.64% 5.53% Return on Equity 13.38% 12.05% 13.55% Considering the return on equity, it is evident from the results that the Quality products division has seen an improvement as compared to 2007 (-26.30%), the division seems to be stabilising itself currently. The Kitchens Div ision on the other hand has been facing a decline in all of the ratios which does not provide a good insight into the performance of the division

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Comparison of Capital Flows in Asia

Comparison of Capital Flows in Asia 1.1 Background of the Study Capital controls were widely used to prevent the free flow of funds between countries until the late 1970s. A cautious relaxation of such controls during the 1980s proved consistent with greater economic integration among advanced countries and strengthened the case for capital market opening more generally. By the early 1990s, capital controls appeared to be finished as a serious policy tool for relatively open economies. The conventional view about international financial integration is that it should enable capital to flow from high income countries, with relatively high capital labor ratios, to low income countries with lower capital labor ratios. If investment in poor countries is constrained by the low level of domestic saving, access to foreign capital should boost their growth and it would also allow residents of richer countries to get higher returns on their savings invested abroad. Openness to capital flows can expose a country’s financial sector to competition, spu r improvements in domestic corporate governance as foreign investors demand the same standards locally that they are used to at home, and impose discipline on macroeconomic policies and the government more generally. So, even if foreign capital is not needed for financing, financial openness, to both inflows and outflows, may create ‘collateral benefits’ such as domestic financial sector development which could enhance growth in total factor productivity[1]. Capital account liberalization in financially repressed economies often leads to a period of rapid capital inflows followed by financial crises with international financial integration and policy agenda for further liberalization of capital inflows. Concern has also been expressed as to whether the costs of increased vulnerability to financial fragility might not outweigh the gains from financial integration. But most of the countries continue to progress in dismantling capital controls to integrate their financial markets with the rest of the world. 1.2 Justification and Relevance of the Study Economic growth is thought to be a function of investment and other factors. The conventional belief is that foreign capital inflows bring new investible funds and foreign exchange with which the recipient country can achieve higher rates of investment and therefore growth. The role of foreign capital in economic growth is an issue that has provoked continuous debate. Foreign capital augments the total resource availability in a country, but its impact on investment and economic growth is controversial. If judiciously used, it could have favorable effects on economic growth through higher investment and other positive effects. But it is also possible that foreign capital investment might not yield any net benefit to the host country. Economic liberalization and globalization have resulted in rapid mobility of resources between nations as to reap the comparative advantage of the respective country. The 1990s saw a number of capital account crises in emerging market economies. The cris es, which were precipitated by a sudden reversal of capital inflows, occurred against the background of financial market deregulation, capital account liberalization, and financial sector opening. Deregulation and liberalization have undoubtedly brought about benefits in the form of greater financial resource mobilization for domestic investment and economic growth. At the same time, this has created new sources of vulnerabilities in the balance sheets of commercial banks, corporations, and the public sector. For Countries that are still in the process of opening the capital account, how best and how fast to proceed remains an unresolved issue. There is no presumption that the resource requirements of implementing a quick transition are either smaller or larger than those of managing a long transition process or administering capital controls. Developing effective regulatory framework takes time, but a lengthy process may create wrong incentives and distortions. A big-bang approach may be appropriate if a prolonged transition is likely to create resistance from vested interests or if different elements of the existing system are so dependent upon each other that a piecemeal reform is not possible without creating significant distortions. International capital movements can support long-term growth but are not without short-term risks. The long term benefits arise from an efficient allocation of saving and investment between surplus and deficit countries. However, large capital inflows may challenge the absorptive capacity of host countries in the short run by making them vulnerable to external shocks, heightening the risks of economic overheating and abrupt reversals in capital inflows, and facilitating the emergence of credit and asset price boom-and-bust cycles. The inflows expanded the available resources for funding productive investments and privatization, and for raising export capacity and helped finance current account deficits. They contributed to the development of domestic financial markets and the efficiency of banking systems. Foreign participation in domestic government securities markets contributed to liquidity of secondary markets and greater sophistication of financial services such as in Hungary an d Poland. FDI helps in transferring the managerial and technological skills, and strengthen domestic institutions. For the European Union accession countries, capital inflows are a mutually reinforcing factor in the process of integration into the European Union[2]. The long term capital flows, particularly of direct investment have been an important factor in the capital account surplus, and the trend of higher long term inflows has intended to be sustained. A major reason for this has been the success of adjustment programes adopted in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand in the mid 1980, after a period of instability. In these three countries, an overvalued currency was depreciated, large fiscal deficits pattern was repeated in the Philippines in the early 1990s. In all four countries, macroeconomic stabilization was accompanied by policies to open the economy to foreign trade and reform the financial sector[3]. As a consequence of the foreign capital surge experienced by a number of developing countries, since the early 1990s international economists and policy makers have been debating about whether foreign capital flows should be the object of specific policy. The debate crystallized around two opposite stances. On the one hand, there were those who claimed that capital flows were largely exogenous to the recipient countries and, in addition, very destabilizing. The implication of this view was that the economic authorities should design and implement policies to dampen the impact of capital flows on domestic macroeconomic variables. The opposite position departed from the assumption that capital flows largely respond to domestic variables, be they long-term i.e., those affecting the country’s risk premium, or related to short-term demand management. In either case, there is no need to worry explicitly about capital flows. Policy makers concentrate exclusively on improving domestic policies. An early, and influential, analysis of the capital surge to developing countries ascribes it mostly to the effect of falling international interest rates[4]. There were other factors as well, most of them exogenous to emerging economies. In particular, the recession in developed countries reduced rates of return on capital and made investors look for higher returns elsewhere. Likewise, since the Asian financial crisis, foreign capital has retreated from most emerging economies, regardless of the quality of domestic policies. In some cases, the sudden stop[5] has been particularly traumatic e.g., in case of Argentina and Chile. In Argentina, the sudden stop in capital flows created the fiscal and financial problems. In Chile, it has had less disastrous, although still quite unfavorable, effects. But in all cases, the reversal of the 1990s inflows has been dramatic, and it has been accompanied by a sharp deterioration in growth performance. Building upon Ricardo, the welfar e gains from the international partition of labor are widely acknowledged. The economic policy implication has been to remove exchange rate volatility to foster trade and growth. The impact of exchange rate volatility on trade among two or a group of countries has both a micro and macroeconomic dimension. From a microeconomic perspective exchange rate volatility, for instance measured as day to day or week to week exchange rate fluctuations is associated with higher transactions costs because uncertainty is high and hedging foreign exchange risk is costly. Indirectly, fixed exchange rates enhance international price transparency as consumers can compare prices in different countries more easily. If exchange rate volatility is eliminated, international arbitrage enhances efficiency, productivity and welfare. These microeconomic benefits of exchange rate stabilization have been a detrimental motivation of the European monetary integration process. Low transaction costs play an importa nt role for international and intra-regional trade and capital flows. 1.3 Research Questions We have discussed above about the need of international financial integration, liberalization of capital accounts and potential benefits of capital flows. Many countries in the world opened their capital account to reap the benefits of international capital flows for their economic development and growth. A number of studies have been done so far for the study of capital flows on different issues. Some studies are related with benefits and liberalization of capital account which are: does capital account liberalization lead to growth? by Quinn and Toyoda in 2008; why capital account convertibility in India is premature? by Williamson; financial liberalization and the new dynamics of growth in India by Chandrasekhar in 2008; analysis of the capital account in India’s balance of payments by Ranjan et al in 2004; capital account liberalization and economic performance: survey and synthesis by Edison et al. Some are about the capital flows and economic growth such as; FDI and econ omic growth relationship: an empirical study on Malaysia by Mun in 2008; and what makes international capital flows promote economic growth? an international cross-country analysis by Shen et al, in 2010. While others focused on the impact of capital flows on different macroeconomic variable which are; capital flows and their macroeconomic effects in India by Kohli in 2001; differential macroeconomic effects of portfolio and foreign direct investment by Gunther et al in 1996; effects upon monetary conditions, saving and the domestic financial sector by Henry and Tesar in 1999 and many others. An empirical study of the impact of capital inflows upon output growth has been done by Gruben and McLeod in 1996. The studies mentioned above give an idea about the capital flows and their relation with many economic indicators. These topics of capital flows give us keen interest to explore more and study extensively what could be the possible relation and effects with other variables. Capital inflow to Asian countries brought substantial benefit to them. These flows permitted higher levels of investment, facilitated the transfer of technology, enhanced management skills, and enlarged market access. The Asian countries adopted their policies to translate capital flows into capital formation and related imports, and thereby mitigated pressures on exchange rates. By successfully managing foreign capital flows, the East Asian countries could achieve high growth rates. Moreover, capital inflows which were a blessing to the East Asian economies in their development process, created problems in the nineties due to mismanagement. Countries with sound macroeconomic policies and well functioning institut ions are in the best position to reap the benefits of capital flows and minimize the risks. Some countries are gaining from the capital inflows while some others are having negative impact of this on their economies. India and China are the two emerging economic giants of the developing world. Both the economies have immense natural resources, skilled and unskilled, cheap but quality labor force, huge domestic market and above all the relatively stable political environment. Both the economies hence have vast potential to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to serve the local market and to become a more important part of the global integration. After China’s entry into World Trade Organization (WTO) China has emerged into the most attractive FDI destination in the developing world. India’s FDI is far below than that of China. Hence, to know more about capital flows in China and India, we have selected these countries for the study of their capital flows and managem ent. Apart from China we have selected Malaysia for the study. Foreign direct investment has been an important source of economic growth for Malaysia, bringing in capital investment, technology and management knowledge needed for economic growth. The most important benefit for a developing country like Malaysia is that FDI could create more employment. In addition, technology transfer is another benefit for the host countries. These three Asian counties attracted capital flows to reap the benefits of financial integration. Capital flows affect a wide range of economic variables such as; exchange rates, interest rates, foreign exchange reserves, domestic monetary condition and the financial system. The developments, which have been done in many Asian countries, have stimulated a keen interest to understand what have been the nature, trend, pattern and economic effects of capital inflows as well as the appropriate policy responses comparatively in the selected Asian Countries. Therefore, here, we are interested to know what have been the surges of capital flows in Asian countries. What caused a need of financial sector reforms in India? How and why liberalization was done and what are the recent trends and composition of capital flows in India? What has been the pattern of capital flows in selected Asian countries? And, further what is the relation of capital flows with exchange rate in selected Asian countries? What could be the policies to manage the flow of capital? To get the answer of the questions mentioned above, some objectives have been set to study and discuss in an appropriate manner. The objectives of the present study have been given below. 1.4 Objectives The broad objective of the present study is to analyze the capital flows comparatively in selected Asian countries. To fulfill the broad objective, there are some small objectives such as: To study the surges of capital flows in Asia; To study the financial sector restructuring, liberalization and capital flows in India; To analyze the trend and pattern of capital flows in India, China and Malaysia comparatively; To analyze the impact of net capital flows on real effective exchange rate and management of capital flows comparatively in selected countries; and To give policy implications. 1.5 Research Design and Methodology The present study is designed to have eight chapters including Introduction and Conclusion. The first chapter is an introductory chapter where the background and justification of capital flows has been given. This chapter gives us a glimpse of the whole study design including the methodology. Liberalization led to greater capital mobility to all the Asian countries and so we are interested to explore more about capital flows. Some objectives are set based on the research questions. To fulfill the objectives, chapter outline has been made. In the second chapter, theoretical perspective of capital flows has been given on various issues related to capital flows. In this chapter a literature survey of existing studies on capital flows has been done and explored what has been the nature, causes and outcomes of capital flows and what kind of financial system and policies are the best suitable to reap the benefits of capital flows. Then, in the third chapter, analysis of surges of capital f lows into Asia has been given. Causes of Asian crisis, consequences, restructuring and improvement of the financial system under various programemes has been given. Average annual growth rate of FDI flows in Asia had been calculated and analyzed to know the surges of capital flows in different regions of Asia. In the fourth chapter, financial sector restructuring in India under various schemes has been given. With the report of Narsimham Committee in 1991, various reforms have been done in money market and capital market. The details of these reforms, different policies improvement in financial sector and their impact on different market indicators has been discussed in this chapter. A discussion of liberalization of the market for international trade and capital mobility in India has been elaborated in the fifth chapter. In this chapter, the trend, pattern and composition of capital flows in India has been analyzed. Percentage of source-wise and industry-wise capital flows in India has also been calculated and analyzed in this chapter. In the sixth chapter, background of capital flows in India, China and Malaysia has been given. Origin and starting of capital mobilization and changing trend of different capital flows in these countries have been analyzed in this chapter. A comparative analysis of trend and pattern of capital flows in India, China and Malaysia has been done in this chapter. A comparative analysis of the relationship between exchange rate and capital flows in India China and Malaysia has been done in chapter 7. For the purpose of empirical analysis to see the impact of net capital flows on real effective exchange rate with some other explanatory variables, OLS method of multivariate linear regression model has been used. Unit root test to fulfill the stationary condition of time series has been done based on three methods; one is ADF test, second is Phillip-Perron test and third is KPSS. A comparative analysis of capital flows and the behavior of real effective exchange rate have been done and then the management of capital in these three countries has been discussed. Conclusion and Policy Implications is the eighth chapter which includes the crux of the present study followed by Bibliography and Appendix. 1.5.1 Countries for the Study The countries for the study of capital flows are chosen from Asia. Selected countries are: 1. India 2. China 3. Malaysia 1.5.2 Data Sources The data for the present study has been taken from various secondary sources. The data sources which have been used in the present study are given below: 1. World Development Indicators (The World Bank). 2. International Debt Statistics (The World Bank). 3. International Financial Statistics (IMF). 4. World Economic Outlook (IMF). 5. Publications of Reserve Bank of India like: i. Report on Currency and Finance. ii. Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy. 6. UNCTAD database. 1 [1] Eswar S. Prasad and Raghuram G. Rajan, â€Å"A Pragmatic Approach to Capital Account Liberalization†, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 22, Number 3, Summer, 2008, pp. 150-153. [2] See Inci Otker Robe, Zbigniew Polanski, Bany Topf and David Vavra, â€Å"Coping with Capital Inflows: Experience of Selected European Countries†, IMF Working Paper, WP/07/190, 2007, pp. 7. [3] Linda M Koenig, â€Å"Capital Inflows and Policy Responses in the Asian Region†, IMF Working Paper, WP/96/25, 1996, p. 6. [4] Also see Calvo, Leiderman, and Reinhart, 1993. [5] Calvo, Izquierdo, and Talvi, have felicitously labeled this term, 2002, pp. 3-4

Friday, October 25, 2019

An Analysis of Burger King :: Business Management Studies

An Analysis of Burger King Burger King is a reliable burger company which has had its ups and downs. In 1974, it came out with a slogan of "Have it your way" and at this time it also had a 4 % market share. Burger King's idea was to have the customer have their burger done their way rather than a standard burger. In the early 80's Burger King was trying to keep sales growing so they had to keep changing their advertising. In 1982 "Battle of the burgers" and "Aren't you hungry for a Burger king now?" were the slogans used. In 1983 "Broiling vs. frying" and 1985 "The big switch". All these ads throughout the years helped increase market shares from 7.6% to 8.3% from 1983 to 1985. "Search for herb" was a slogan used by BK about a person that has never tasted a whopper burger, this campaign was supposed to increase market share by 10% but in reality only increased it by 1% it was a disaster. In 1986-1987 "this is a burger king town" and "best food for fast times" brought a lot of attention to the company. In 1988 "We do it like you do it" was used often but a year later they came out with two new slogans which confused the customer. In 1989 "Sometimes you gotta break the rules" and "BK tee vee" with MTV and Dan Cortese with "I love this place". This was another huge setback for BK because people on the go and parents found this ad loud and irritating. BK at this time has failed to establish a solid image that would differentiate it from its competitors. Ads if anything only confused consumers as to what advantages BK offered. In 1993 it had a market share of 6.1% were McDonalds had 15.6% and BK's sales were growing slower than its rivals. Failed advertising campaigns weren't the only problem's, they also had internal problems. Management lacked focus and direction and has struggled with marketing mix decisions. Franchises became confused and angered, service was slow and food preparation wasn't consistent. Burger King lost its core product-flame broiled burgers, made the way the customer wanted them. Another thing that hurt them was the fact they didn't lower prices to keep competing with their competitors this led to a below average sales growth. Many in store promotion also failed. In 1993 a new CEO was introduced, this allowed for huge turnaround and in fact it did. He helped please the franchises and responded to their problems and listened to their recommendations. Then later he lowered prices and hired a new advertising agency.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Women in Advertisements

WOMEN IN ADVERTISEMENTS In modern societies, women and men have equal rights to law in most areas such as education and employment. Howewer, there is an unuequality as gender between male and female. Because social gender is related with power and patriarchy, a dominance of man over woman, has to do power relations. Therefore, holder of power is men and women are regarded as opressed and sex object. A social unequality between men and women is being used women and female figures in advertisements mostly.There are severeal reasons why woman or female figures are used in advertisements The fist reason to this is visuality. Visuality is important because it is the most effective way to appeal to the senses in advertisements and for this, women are used mostly. These advertisements involve beaty of women, sexuality, their body and they show that women are sex object. In addition, having a beautiful and well groomed body is important for women in advertisements. Advertisements give messag es that women improve themselves and they look beautiful and thin. Therefore, all woman want to live same life, to wear and eat same things.For example, in Doritos advertisement, Megan Fox is used and it shows that if woman is beautiful and sexy, she deserve to draw applause. Therefore, these advertisements reinforce the idea that womens are sex object. The second reason that women give informations about gender roles in advertisements. In these advertisements, women are regarded as housewife and role of women is to serve children and husband, to cook and clean. Therefore, these advertisements reinforce social gender role. In addition they have functionalist perspective because women concentrate on domestic and family responsibilities while men work outside the home.For example, ACE is a bleach advertisement and it shows that womens are a symbol of cleaning and housework. Also, in Istikbal advertisement, although woman coming from work is tired , she serves to her husband. Another p oint is that sound of authority belongs to men in advertisements because men manipulate women mostly. For example, in Kolsa, carpet detergent, advertisement, man talk with woman and help her the cleaning and it shows that men dominate over women. In conclusion, women are shown by their body or housework in advertisements.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Birthday Surprise

It was 19th May of 2006 and it was my father’s birthday. He is the kind of person who prefers simple dinners with his own family instead of noisy celebration with relatives and friends. But that day was special cuz he had his 40th birthday. It was Saturday and after we wished him happy birthday, he went to work. Well my father thought that we were just going to have a dinner as always. But this is what he knew while my mom and I had organized a birthday surprise. She had invited all his close friends and family for a cocktail party in the evening. Everything was ready. Even why I passed all the day shopping I couldn’t wait till my dad came home. Anyway he arrived sooner than I thought and later I began to get dressed. I was totally excited. My mom had the most difficult ‘job’ if I can say so. She had to convinced him to wear a suit and she made it up. Another anusual thing happened. I wrote unusual because my mom asked him to drive. She never did this maybe she has her own car that’s why. I think that my dad understood that he had missed something. So began to ask where are we going and why am I wearing a suit. I told him we changed the reservation but it was irritated hearing him asking the same question over and over again. But finally we arrived and everyone was waiting for him. When my father entered in all began to sing the happy birthday song. I remember everyone had a great time and I won’t forget my father;s happy face telling me I knew something was going on. Time by time I have a look to those photos we had. It really was a special day.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chicago the musical review essays

Chicago the musical review essays On both the 12th Chicago. I watched it with the drama class on the 12th and Courtney on the 23rd. The main cast members were Catherine Zita-Jones starring as Velma Kelley, Renee Zellweger starring as Roxie Hart and Richard Gere as Billy Flynn. When the musical/ movie started I saw an old modernized pub with lots of bar girls smoking and lots of men in the background drinking. Everyone was dressed in 1930s style clothes and jazz music was playing and Velma had just started singing little things like Velma washing her hands made me feel intrigued to know more, at the very start I thought this is pretty average Im not going to like it because I dont usually watch musicals but overall I my first impressions were reasonably good. Chicagos basic plot was Murders Velma Kelly (who killed her husband and sister after finding them in bed together)and Roxie Hart (Who killed her boyfriend when she discovered he wasn't going to make her a star) find themselves facing death together and fight to keep themselves or make themselves stars. During this fight Roxies husband gets treated unfairly and an innocent women is hung! To save herself from being hung Roxie Hart lies about everything and fools the media into believing she is a good girl. Chicago is a musical, this means that all the emotions people are trying to express are done through songs or asides. Two of the lead characters were Roxie Hart, and Billy Flynn (Renee Zellweger ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Five Ways to Become More Happy and Develop Positive Thinking

Five Ways to Become More Happy and Develop Positive Thinking How to Develop a Positive Personality To keep fit, you try to follow a healthy diet: you drink a sufficient amount of water, eat vegetables, fruit, nuts, and other nutritious stuff. With such an approach to life and nutrition, your organism will be definitely thankful. However, what about your inner state of mind, or, in other words, your mental health? It also requires a specific diet that will determine how well you feel each day and whether you are able to reach balance in your life. So, what can be called a mental diet? Actually, these are all the thoughts, information, music, films, conversations, people, actions, and affirmations that you let into your life. When you wake up each morning with positive affirmations in your mind, you will more likelyhave a good day rather than a bad one. When you spend some time in the morning and read some inspiring book instead of paying attention to the criminal situation in your district, you will also have more chances to spend a nice day. Thus, as you might have already inferr ed, the proper mental diet consists only of positive affirmations and thoughts, inspiring books, films, and music that determine how you will live your life. With such a positive approach to life, you will be able to develop more confidence and self-esteem and you will learn how to instill them to other people around you. If you take the responsibility for your own thoughts and actions, you will see that its only you who has a complete control over your state of mind. Its your own choice whether to let in negative or positive thoughts. All in all, you should realize that mental health is as important as physical health. Check the following ways of how you can develop positive thinking: Positive Affirmations From the early morning, try to fill your mind with positive thoughts: tell yourself that you are smart and beautiful, that you will succeed today, etc. According to some estimates, 95% of your emotional state of mind is determined by the way you talk to yourself and react to your ups and downs. If you do not talk about positive things, you will by default be programmed to focus only on everything negative. Positive Visualization Positive visualization is even more effective than affirmations. When you visualize your success or a long desired accomplishment in something, you are more prone to get it. Similarly, you can envision a better life, promotion, your own place of dwelling, a family, etc. Positive People Do not surround yourself with people who are constantly complaining about their life, health, work, families, etc. Such people devoid you of positive energy and their talks have a deteriorating impact on your state of mind. Contrarily, try to surround yourself with positive people who will help you to find something positive in each day. Positive and Healthy Lifestyle Dont forget to take care of your physical well-being. Paint a pretty picture of yourself when you are 80 years old and still doing yoga in the evenings or dancing to the music while you are preparing dinner. Eat nutritious food and maintain proper water balance. Such proper diet will have a positive impact on your health and well-being. Apart from healthy eating, involve yourself into regular physical exercising, which can also decrease stress levels. In the evenings, engage yourself in meditations and relaxation practices. Positive Expectations When you expect something positive to come to your life, it will surely do. This is the cornerstone of the Law of Attraction: whatever you expect seems to come to your life. Therefore, try to expect only the best. All in all, if you are willing to change your life for the better, why not try the above-mentioned tips? Be more positive and the world will turn to you.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Picking Nits, Not Nicks

Picking Nits, Not Nicks Picking Nits, Not Nicks Picking Nits, Not Nicks By Maeve Maddox Apparently some modern speakers are happily unacquainted with head lice. This lack of knowledge may explain the confusion illustrated by the following examples: If you want to lose a friend, all you have to do is to continue to nick pick and find fault with everything that they do or everything that they say. My husband and I nick pick at everything at each other. How can I stop this? Gamers are great at nickpicking while avoiding actual analysis. Not sure if I’m only seeing negative stuff or I’m just nickpicking. What should I do? I feel Teacher is nickpicking on my son. The verb forms for the actions being described in these examples are nitpick and nitpicking. To nitpick is to find fault with every little thing, no matter how inconsequential. The expression derives from the literal act of looking for nits, which are quite small. As a former volunteer school â€Å"head checker,† I know what it is to comb through a child’s hair, strand by strand, looking for nits. nit (noun): The egg of a louse or other insect parasitic on humans or animals; specifically, the egg of a head louse when attached to hair. From the mid-1600s until the late 1700s, ostentatious wigs were fashionable among the wealthy. One of the most memorable passages in the diary of Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) references the pitfalls of patronizing a wigmaker who failed to boil the merchandise before delivery: â€Å"I did go to the Swan; and there sent for Jervas my old periwig-maker and he did bring me a periwig; but it was full of  nits, so as I was troubled to see it (it being his old fault) and did send him to make it clean.† Note: A periwig is a highly stylized wig still worn by British barristers and judges. (The adjective old is not a typo for own. This wasn’t the first time Jervas had sent Pepys an infested wig.) It’s not necessary to hyphenate nitpick or nitpicking. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 101Rules for Capitalization in TitlesHow Do You Determine Whether to Use Who or Whom?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Critically assess the arguments in support of and against the Essay

Critically assess the arguments in support of and against the acknowledgement of the legally binding nature of the right to wate - Essay Example This right to an adequate standard of living is in turn enshrined in a number of international human rights treaties. The rationale herein is that it would be impossible to uphold these international human rights treaties without making the right to water legally binding. As a mater of fact, water is one of the most basic needs for mankind. Some of these treaties include the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). The strength of this argument is well underscored by these treaties being binding, since they enjoy near global ratification1. In a closely related wavelength, Nordblom, Reeson and Finlayson2 observe that the rationale behind the argument in favour of the legalisation of the right to water is that this move is a landmark decision that would irrevocably bring ameliorations on the lives of billions of people who are still unable to access water and proper sanitation, with children and women being at the centre of this rationale. Particularly, it is pointed out that about 1.5 million children under the age of 5 years die of diarrhoea, annually, due to the inability to access clean water. This argument is very valid, given that it acknowledges the fact that this inability to access clean water exacerbates gender disparity. The issue of gender comes into play herein, since lack of access to clean water affects women, girls and children than men. Another rationale behind this move is that it had been ratified by major players in international relations. Particularly, according to Gunduz3, the Human Rights Council as the main body of the United Nations on human rights had furthered this move, as a resolution that had been tabled and supported by Spain, Germany, France, Britain and other member states of the UN. This move was pursuant to the July 2010 resolution of the UN General Assembly which had recognised access to water and proper sanitation as a fundamental huma n right. This move had to have legally binding obligations, in order for this observation to remain binding. Conversely, such a move in the UN General Assembly of 2010 was propounded by the rationale that despite water being an essential commodity or element in human life, yet a very significant fraction of the world’s fraction could not access it. Particularly, the UN quoted research results obtained by its Independent Experts to divulge that while 1 billion people are not able to access improved or standardised sources of water, 3 billion have no taps in their homes. The import of this is that there are billions of people consuming unsafe water. It is also important to note that the report that was tabled by the Independent Experts also helped reinforce the ideas on the legalisation of the right to water because it also aimed at ensuring quality in accessibility to water and sanitation, and not just quantity. Other scholars such as Pink4 and Kibassa5 argue that the move to make the right to water legally binding was also imperative if a larger input by other stakeholder was to be realised. Particularly, the recognition of water as a human right and a legally binding reality by the Human Rights Council set the standard for all water services providers to follow, whether these providers are in private or public ventures. The import

Friday, October 18, 2019

Beethoven's Symphony and Popular Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Beethoven's Symphony and Popular Music - Essay Example Beethoven’s Symphony and Popular music are ancient art that remain popular to date. On the one hand, Symphony is classical music in Europe. Since his period, when the music assumed substantial popularity as generally polished and the best living artist, the Beethoven's composition has continued to be the most listened to, talked about and reviewed genres. Beethoven is largely classified among the highly significant Western composers, with his music being the most commonly recorded across the society. His stylistic discoveries include two accomplishments. First, they elevated the Classical style to its top most expressive degree, deepening in official, configuration and harmonic notes to the musical expression created by forerunners such as Haydn and Mozart. Moreover, they proved enormously powerful over the melodic language and philosophy of the Romantic period, whether they served to enhance direct encouragement, or in regard to establishing a musical presentation of the arti st’s language. On the other hand, popular music encompasses any of several of musical genres having profound popularity and is essentially distributed to the mainstream audiences of all segments via the melodic industry. Notably, what popular genre stands for and represents is different from Beethoven’s music; the latter being essentially differentiated scholarly or verbally to less significant, domestic audiences (Scruton 42). Even though popular music infrequently is recognized as ‘pop music,’ both expressions are different. For instance, popular music entails a generic expression for melodies of all generations that is preferred by large proportions of people, while pop music is normally confined to a particular musical genre (Scruton 42-45). Beethoven’s Symphony Beethoven championed two significant cultures through his target of the larger bands. That continued until the early twentieth century, and championed the focus of the tunes downwards during performance, to t he lower keys, cellos, and violas enabling his music to involve a heavy and dark sensation (Goehr 66-68). In general, Beethoven’s Symphony is different from those of the ancient music in term of the establishment of large, longer architectonic designs typified by the remarkable improvement of musical resource, agendas, and motifs, normally by modulation initiatives; that is, an alteration in the sensation of the home key, via several harmonic tunes or notes. Beethoven's work championed his capacity to swiftly set up firmness in juxtaposing various keys and startling notes to accompany them. Notably, this stretched harmonic realm establishes a feeling of a tremendous musical and empirical touch, which dictates the rhythm of the music and the growth of musical resource, a clear establishment of some kind of unfolding art in this pause. Goehr (67) indicates Beethoven made immense contributions which further set up some kind of a blend of the various philosophies and cultural iss ues in several attempts to move with the discovery of the messages carried in his the music. The ‘germ motive,’ which involves an inspiration, was summoned to establish motives and agendas throughout the whole art, albeit in a benign manner. Therefore, all the themes of the ancient age were associated with several motives in the music. An ancient and popular illustration of this is Beethoven’s sonata 'Pathetique', in which all of the themes employed in the initial movement arose from a simple notion borrowed from its introductory bar. Correspondingly, the introductory notes of his Eighth Symphony played a significant role, as it forms the basis of motives employed throughout the entire symphony (Stanley 1). It is notable that this art contributes to the unification of an effort or an array of works; as a number of motives employed by Beethoven uniquely characterized works. He managed to execute this devoid of repeating material precisely or employing canonic touc h. In view of this, Beethoven’

Google in China Analysis 2 Pham Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Google in China Analysis 2 Pham - Essay Example filtering laws and processes of the Chinese government that is not aligned with the firm’s motto, â€Å"Don’t be evil.† It also experiences challenges in brand positioning in China. Baidu is the most popular search engine in China because it is perceived as a â€Å"Chinese brand with good technology† (Lawrence, 2009, p.266). Baidu also provides added services that Google does not offer, such as messaging, entertainment, news, and email. If Google can change brand associations that will make it more competitive, it can oust Baidu from its market leadership. Google can also have an opportunity to test and boost its expertise in global technology by serving the Chinese market inside China, thereby expanding its technology’s economies of scope and scale. Google can leverage its superior global technology that is built on its efficient search engine, and change its brand personality, so that it can be more Chinese. Right now, Google uses umbrella brands for its brand name Google, but it should consider a House-of-Brands approach. For its Chinese brand, it should expand its Internet services, by offering services such as: online chatting; downloading music, TV shows, and movies; and playing online games, since these are the most popular Internet activities for Chinese users, according to latest surveys. About 46 million users in China are connected to the Web, and a rapidly growing population has DSL/cable access (Lawrence, 2009, p.266). In 2005, as seen in Exhibit B, more than 50% of all Web users had a high-speed Internet connection. Usage rates also indicated that sixty-nine per cent of users use Internet at home, while 38% use the Internet at work (Lawrence, 2009, p.266). Exhibit B also provides evidence that from 2002 to 2005, users with broadband access grew from less than 10 million to 50 million, or around 80% growth in five years. Other estimates showed that there were 134 million Internet users in China in 2005 (Lawrence, 2009, p.257). This means that the

Impact of Brand Personality on Consumer Decision Making Essay

Impact of Brand Personality on Consumer Decision Making - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in equating the impact of a brand’s personality on the consumer decision-making process, Hofmeyr and Rice in a book titled â€Å"Commitment-Led Marketing: The Key to Brand Profits Is in the Customer's Mind† aptly sums up the purpose of this study. They advise us that commitment is what brands seek to establish with consumers as it represents what they feel about a company, as opposed to loyalty, which they describe as what consumers do. In order to gain a level of commitment from consumers, a brand must establish some sort of relationship as well as an image that transmits and provides them with a reason or reasons to act upon that foundation. In delving into this study, certain keywords as represented by its purpose, are integral to understanding the foregoing. A brand, according to the Concise Dictionary of Business Management is â€Å"A mark, name, logo or trademark that identifies a product or services or organizatio n and distinguishes it from its competitors. It is studied, brand personality encompasses branding, which the Concise Dictionary of Business Management defines as â€Å"The use of a brand to describe a product service or organization†. In considering the term brand personality one needs to understand that it meansâ€Å". the quality or condition of being a person †¦ the totality of qualities and traits †¦ that are peculiar to a specific person †¦ the pattern of collective character, behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental traits †¦Ã¢â‚¬  In equating the preceding application to brand personality, substituting brand for the person provides the context. Aaker tells us that â€Å"The brand personality provides depth, feelings and liking to the relationship†. He adds that â€Å"Of course, a brand-customer relationship can also be based on a functional benefit, just as two people can have a strictly business relationship†. The preceding brief exploration has sought to acquaint you with the foundational precepts in this exploration that includes the third facet, consumer decision making. This last area represents the core question and focus of marketing professionals for over 70 years, with its roots tracing back approximately 300 years as led by economist Nicholas Bernoulli. Bernoulli’s groundbreaking work paved the way for von Neumann and Morgenstern who extended his work into what is called the Utility Theory. Their hypothesis, von Neumann, and Morgenstern are based upon the theory â€Å"†¦that individuals evaluate uncertain prospects according to their expected level of satisfaction or utility. The preceding represents one of a number of consumer decision making theories and or models, which for the purposes of time, only a few shall be covered in this examination. The highly competitive world of business, where most products and or services share common and or similar characteristics, brand distinc tions represent an important advantage that companies seek to establish. This study will seek to explain and examine the relationships between these areas and explain the nuances as well as linkages that make brand personality an important part of the consumer decision-making process.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Philosophical assignment 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Philosophical assignment 4 - Essay Example â€Å"Things†, on the other hand, implies the object of experience. However, in the historical context, it is profoundly imperative to comprehend what type of function the meaning of Protagoras’s statement plays as well as the influence that it has on the contemporary society. In addition, the statement advocates subjectivistic individualism, which concerns the sense perception, as well as the general truth (Ophuijsen, Raalte, and Stork 198). Plato argues that values such as morality cannot be objective but subjective similar to the matter of taste. Protagoras’ thesis offered a profound philosophical basis for the sophistic understanding of wisdom. This Protagoras epistemology disapproves the statement that if information is knowledgeable, then it should be true universally and not to a particular individual irrespective of the societal background. Additionally, Protagoras and his followers did not agree that ethical duties and morality must be universal. Thus, if it is true that knowledge is relative to a particular person, then the wisdom must be

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 110

Discussion - Essay Example It will be vital to mention in this regards that corporate culture impose positive as well as negative impacts on organisational change. Concerning the positive aspects, the impact can be felt in explicitly comprehending the business procedure. Conversely, concerning the negative aspects, the impact can be apparently observed in the form of inappropriate allocation of valuable resources (Nadler, 1998). The various elements of organisational change that commonly encompass structure, processes and systems, are used in a change initiatives for clarifying what changes are required to be made, rewarding business or operational systems as well as supporting the same and appropriately utilising the available resources (Nadler, 1998). Apart from these, as per the observations made by Nadler (1998), the above-identified elements are predominantly used in the context of change initiative with the intention of mitigating risks that emerge while incorporating changes and applying innovative technological advancements accordingly. As apparently noted, the elements of structure, processes and systems are used in a change initiative by the modern organisations for obtaining several benefits. These benefits principally comprise improving profitability along with productivity and most significantly, making important decisions within the stipulated time (Nadler,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Philosophical assignment 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Philosophical assignment 4 - Essay Example â€Å"Things†, on the other hand, implies the object of experience. However, in the historical context, it is profoundly imperative to comprehend what type of function the meaning of Protagoras’s statement plays as well as the influence that it has on the contemporary society. In addition, the statement advocates subjectivistic individualism, which concerns the sense perception, as well as the general truth (Ophuijsen, Raalte, and Stork 198). Plato argues that values such as morality cannot be objective but subjective similar to the matter of taste. Protagoras’ thesis offered a profound philosophical basis for the sophistic understanding of wisdom. This Protagoras epistemology disapproves the statement that if information is knowledgeable, then it should be true universally and not to a particular individual irrespective of the societal background. Additionally, Protagoras and his followers did not agree that ethical duties and morality must be universal. Thus, if it is true that knowledge is relative to a particular person, then the wisdom must be

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Java Spring MVC Programming Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Java Spring MVC Programming Introduction - Essay Example This module of the spring framework supports all popular data access frameworks in Java: oracle, JDBC, oracle toplink, Apache OJB, JPA, JDO, Hibernate, Apache Cayenne etc. For all the supported frameworks, spring provides Resource management, Exception handling, Transaction participation, Resource unwrapping, Abstraction The transaction management module brings a mechanism of abstraction to the Java platform with the following capabilities: ability to work with nested transactions, ability to work with savepoints, ability to work on local and global transactions, ability to work on almost all Java platform environments. It provides a first class support which is used for the purpose of testing spring MVC apps without a servlet container and with a fluent API. Tests on the server side use the DispatcherServlet while tests on the client side make use of the RestTemplate. This class has a @ExceptionHandler method which is used to handle standard spring MVC exceptions and return a ResponseEntity that allows customization and writing of responses with HTTP message converters. The structural elements of a spring application contains various elements which include introduction page, A page controller, A unit test class for the page controller (Risberg, et al., 2009), A view page and the DispatcherServlet (this is known as the Front Controller and is used by the web server based on the configuration on in

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reflections on Department of Human Resource Management

Reflections on Department of Human Resource Management I did my internship at the Human resource department of Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd in Gujrat. I spent six weeks in this department. Where I learnt how practically worked in Human resource Department. In Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd the Human Resource Management department was established in November 2004. I worked under HR officer Mr. Aftab Butt, Payroll officer IR officer MR. Ali Raza. In this department I worked with every designation member and analyzed, observed and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. Lets talk about one by one. HIRERCHY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT: Head: Human Resources Administration: Mr. Anwar Murad Human Resource Officer: Mr. Aftab Butt I.R Officer and Payroll Officer: Mr. Ali Raza Admin Officer: Mr. Asad Shah Admin officer (Lahor): Mr. Javed DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT I did my internship at the Human Resource department of Metro Hi- Tech (Pvt) Ltd in Gujrat. I spent six weeks in this department. Where I learnt how practically worked in Human resource Department. In Metro hi-tech the HRM department was established in Nov 2004. I worked under HR officer Mr. Aftab Butt, Payroll officer IR officer Mr. Ali Raza. In this department I worked with every designation member and analyzed, observed and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. Lets talk about one by one. 2.1) Human Resource Management: Human resource (or personnel) management is getting things done through people. Its an essential part of every managers responsibilities, but many organizations find it advantageous to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to ensuring that the human resource function is performed efficiently. People are our most valuable asset is a clichà © which no member of any senior management team would disagree with. Yet, the reality for many organizations is that their people remain Under valued Under trained Under utilized Poorly motivated, and consequently Perform well below their true capability Objectives of Huamn Resource Department: The main objective of the department is To hire the best candidate who best fit for job along with the organization and in this way increase the work effectiveness and efficiency of the whole organization. FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF HR DEPARTMENT IN Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd. HR department of Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd performs below mentioned functions. FUNCTIONS OF HR DEPARTMENT Man Power Planning Job Analysis Recruitment Selection Orientation Training Development Compensation Performance Appraisal Development of Forms New Employees Registrations Scholarships Terminations Legal Applications Resign Arrangements Wages Register Holiday Register Attendance Register Marriage Grant Advances Attention Cards Advance Record Salary Slip Distribution Guest Arrangement Hotels Reservations Entertainment Employees Record Keeping Resignations Final Settlements Death Grants Travel Expanse Claims Pension Cases Leaves Encashment Bonus Working Medical Bills Claim Disable Claim Group Insurance Daily Attendance Over Time Calculation Leave Applications Record Keeping Gratuity Calculation Salary Verification Group Insurance 4Functional Overview: There are four functions which are being performed under the Human Resource department of METRO Hi-Tech, it includes Huamn Resource planning, recruitment and selection IR Compensation and Reward Administration HRM Planning, Recruitment and Selection: The Human Resource planning, recruitment and selection process is done under Huamn Resource officer Mr. Aftab Butt and I worked with them and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. He is the person who assists Manager Huamn Resource in hiring procedure and assessment methods e.g. designing job advertisements, developing competency criteria and effective selection process in coordination with different departments, carry out orientation of employees in junior management cadre and workers. And carry out any other job to meet organizational objectives. For this planning is the most important function. Planning: The penalties for not being correctly staffed are costly. Understaffing loses the business economies of scale and specialization, orders, customers and profits. Overstaffing is wasteful and expensive, if sustained, and it is costly to eliminate because of modern legislation in respect of redundancy payments, consultation, minimum periods of notice, etc. Very importantly, overstaffing reduces the competitive efficiency of the business. Planning staff levels requires that an assessment of present and future needs of the organization be compared with present resources and future predicted resources. Appropriate steps then be planned to bring demand and supply into balance. Thus the first step is to take in METRO for planning is satellite picture of the existing workforce profile (numbers, skills, ages, flexibility, gender, experience, forecast capabilities, character, potential, etc. of existing employees) this picture shows the existing rate of supply and what will be the demand of employees to meet the future needs Future staffing needs will derive from: Sales and production forecasts The effects of technological change on task needs Variations in the efficiency, productivity, flexibility of labor as a result of training, work study, organizational change, new motivations, etc. Changes in employment practices (e.g. use of subcontractors or agency staffs, hiving-off tasks, buying in, substitution, etc.) Variations, which respond to new legislation, e.g. payroll taxes or their abolition, new health and safety requirements Changes in Government policies (investment incentives, regional or trade grants, etc.) At the end the supply schedule is compared to the demand which shows that employees are either understaffed, overstaffed or according to the needs of companies. If employees are understaffed then company will perform recruitment function and hire new employees, and in case of overstaffing the company will perform downsizing. And at this time the rate of downsizing in Metro is 10% from every department. Recruitment: Recruitment and selection process is a very important part of staffing. Every company whatever their length should follow the recruitment and selection policy. To achieve any companys objective, qualified personnel are needed to be ensured at all level in an organization. In Metro Hi-Tech I learnt how the recruitment process was done. Recruitment of staff is preceded by an analysis of the job to be done (i.e. an analytical study of the tasks to be performed to determine their essential factors) written into a job description so that the selectors know what characteristics applicants must possess, what qualities and attitudes are desirable. Recruitment Process: In Metro Hi-Tech these steps are taken to recruitment process: A vacancy arises, sometimes this is due to the creation of a new job, on other occasions it may be because an existing member of staff has been promoted or is retiring. The job description is updated and an employee specification is written. The job description lists the duties of the job whilst the employee specification gives details of the experience, skills and abilities needed to carry out the job. A vacancy advertisement is written and is circulated via news papers, internet recruitments sites like Pazee.com, and employee referrals are also a major source in metro. Application forms are sent out along with copies of the job description and employee specification and must be returned on or before the closing date that has been set. A shortlist is compiled of applicants who are going to be invited to attend for interview. This is done by the recruitment panel that compare each application from with the requirements of the employee specification, Interviews are held. The panel will use the same set of questions with each interview. The interview may include a selection test. Sources of Recruitment: The main sources of recruitment in metro are Internal promotion and internal introductions (at times desirable for morale purposes) Web based recruitment. Employee referrals. Advertising. Job Description: A job description is a key document in the recruitment process. The job description must be produced for every vacancy and drafted prior to taking any other steps in the process. It indicates the potential candidates the range of duties and responsibilities of the post. It is used during appraisal to help evaluate the performance of an individual. It is a tool for performance management to ensure that the post-holder is fulfilling the appropriate duties to a required standard. I learnt how done job analysis and develop job description in metro. Selection: Effectively, selection is buying an employee (the price being the wage or salary multiplied by probable years of service) .in Metro hi-tech the selection is done by internal experts. Interviewing is carried out by individuals (e.g. supervisor or departmental manager), by panels of interviewers or in the form of sequential interviews by different experts and can vary from a five minute chat to a process of several days. Selection Process: In Metro after a substantial amount of applications have been received, the line and the HR managers again work together to shortlist the applications. This is done by carefully going through all the application and by giving different weightage to the following criteria: Quality of early schooling Grade obtained Extra Curricular activities Overseas travel and education Age Target University Relevant experience The HR Department then issue call letters to the short listed candidates along with blank application forms by Date, time and venue for the preliminary interview is advised and candidates are asked to bring along completed application forms. A two-member panel of HR and line management carries out competency-based interviews focusing on functional skills and managerial and supervisory skills. After the preliminary interview is cleared people applying for different jobs are tested in different ways. The following management competencies are assessed by a panel of cross functional assessors In the case of management selection: Communication skills Resource management Rational decision making Influencing Creative thinking Business development The Huamn Resource department is responsible for overall administration. The Huamn Resource department provides details of remuneration package and terms and conditions of service. The department also prepares appointment letter, service agreement and finalizes other documentation for service record. Grading Criteria of Employees: 1: Manual Workers: Helpers: they are non graded persons Semi skilled workers: after getting some training the helpers are promoted to this grade Skilled workers: semi skilled workers are promoted to this grade after getting some more technical training in their area 2: Supervisory Grade: Skilled workers having two years experience are promoted to supervisory grade. it includes three grades S1 Junior supervisor S2 Supervisor S3 Senior supervisor 3: Executive Grades: Employees from supervisory grades are promoted to executive grades only when they enhance their qualification according to the requirement of the job. They include E1 Junior executive E2 Executive E3 Senior executive 4: Managerial grades: In managerial grades there are different requirements. It includes five grades which are following M1 Assistant Manager (master degree or MBA, 2/3 years experience) M2 Deputy Manager (master degree or MBA 5 yrs experience) M3 Manager (master degree or MBA 8years experience) M4 Senior Manager (master degree or MBA 10years experience) M5 General Manager (master degree or MBA 15years experience) GRADING CRITERIA Grade (M) M Grade leads to the managers. There are 5 categories in M Grade. Designations according to grades are as follows; Grade Designation M5 General Manager M4 Senior Manager M3 Manager M2 Deputy Manager M1 Assistant Manager Grade (E) E Grade is used for Executives. There are three categories in E Grade. Designations according to grades are as follows; Grade Designation E3 Senior Executive E2 Executive E1 Junior Executive Grade (S) Supervisors are granted Grade S. There are 4 categories in S Grade. Designations according to grades are as follows; Grade Designation S3 Senior Supervisor S2 Supervisor S1 Junior Supervisor Employee Evaluation: One of HR officer responsibility is to assist Manager HR for the implementation of Performance Appraisal System (MBO) according to company policy. And to issue Annual Performance Appraisal Forms to concerned In-charges; follow-up and maintenance of appraisal record. After the performance appraisal maintain personal files of all employees. To working with HR officer I learnt how the employees are being appraised and how the record was maintained An organization needs constantly to take stock of its workforce and to assess its performance in existing jobs for three reasons: To improve organizational performance via improving the performance of individual contributors To identify potential, i.e. to recognize existing talent and to use that to fill vacancies higher in the organization or to transfer individuals into jobs where better use can be made of their abilities or developing skills. To provide an equitable method of linking payment to performance where there are no numerical criteria (often this salary performance review takes place about three months later and is kept quite separate from 1. and 2. but is based on the same assessment). In metro Hi- Tech appraisal is done on annually basis. Appraisals category in Metro hi-tech: There are four categories for appraisals in metro which is following. Appraisal category Definition of category % Of total numbers of employees which can be rated in this category 1.outstanding Indicates exceptional performance 20% 2.very Good Indicate performance that consistently meets the requirements of the position, very good indicates the individual is on track for advancements 16% 3. Good Indicated performance that requires improvement (i.e. meet requirements without initiative or advancement) 8% 4. Basic Performance to be improved (hardly meets requirements) 5% Sources of Performance Appraisal: In Metro the primary sources of performance appraisal are the managers or supervisors. There are used different appraisal forms for supervisors, managers and executives according to their jobs levels and competencies regarding their work. 2.4.2) Compensation and Reward: As internee I did work with Payroll and IR officer Mr. Mohsin Shahzad. their responsibilities are as following; To process the provident Fund Loan of workmen. To prepare daily attendance report. To prepare salary sheet for both divisions. To extract desired information from salary sheet for various purposes. To calculate bonus for both divisions. To verify attendance of both divisions and prepare late attendance report on daily basis. To maintain attendance record of all the employees. To maintain overtime record of all the employees. To maintain record of leaves of workers and staff. To maintain record of advances given to employees of both division. To carry out any other job to meet organizational objectives. I learnt their reward and compensation process. Different rewards that are given to employees by the company and how the record was maintained how fill the forms about the reward category. And also learnt their compensation process how the employees and workers are being awarded. How maintain relation with employees within the departments and outside the departments. To retain good staff and to encourage them to give of their best while at work requires attention to the financial and psychological and even physiological rewards offered by the organization as a continuous exercise. The compensation and reward program is controlled by payroll officer working under head of human resource. Payroll software is used in metro hi-tech to enter and control the pay of employees. They are more concerned about the financial rewards for the motivations of employees but they dont use any non-financial rewards. Financial rewards include bounces, group insurance, car schemes, provident fund scheme, medical policies, and TA/DA policy. Salary: The compensation includes the basic salary of employees. This salary is decided by the job evolution and market surveys. Then it is bargain with the employee at selection time which results in the basic pay for that job. Mode of payments is different for graded and non graded employees. Payments are made to graded employees through banks on monthly bases according to the terms and conditions of contract and to non-graded workers salary is paid through cash. Allocations of remuneration: Managerial category: Basic salary 67% of gross salary House rent 40% of basic salary Utility allowances 10% of basic salary Non-managerial category: Basic salary 62.5% of basic salary House rent 40% of basic Utility allowances 10% Food allowances 10% Bounces: Bounces are given on the basis of given salary. Bounces are 67% of the basic salary. Provident fund scheme: According to this scheme 10% of basic salary of employee is deducted and same amount is added by the employer is put in the saving account of employee. The lump sum amount is provided to employees after his retirement. Group insurance: Its a state life insurance for the death of employee during its job life. It is usually 2 lac rupees. Car scheme: Car scheme are offered to only those employees who are working for managerial positions. This scheme for different managerial levels are Mehran to M1 and M2 Cultus /city to M3, XLI GLI to M4. Honda Civic to M5 (40% of book value is paid by employee in 60 installments) Fuel Policy: Free fuel or the CNG of the same amount is provided to managers 115kg to M1 145 to M2 175 to M3 225 to M4 250 to M5 Medical policy: Metro provides Medical facilities to employees and their family for OPD and Hospitalization. In OPD (Out Patient Door) policy allowances for supervisory grade are 12000, for Executive grades are 20,000, and for Managerial grade are 30,000. In case of hospitalization the whole expense of hospitalization is beard by company. Loans: Temporary loans: temporary loans are one month salary in advance. Permanent loans: it includes loan more than one month salary and have to be returned in six installments. TA/DA policy: Grades TA DA M1 5r/km 600/day M2 6rs/km 800/day M3 7/km 1000/day M4 8/km 1200/day M5 10/km 1500/day Business cards: All HODs are eligible for business cards .they may request for 200 cards at any point. 2.4.3): Administration The work of admin officer is to control transport, maintenance, security management requirement and scraps. 2.4.4): Industrial relations: The responsibilities for IR officer are To maintain proper record of Employee Old Age Benefit ( Registration, Monthly contribution, Pension claims) To prepare documentation pertaining to Social Security Institution. To process workers applications relating to Marriage Grant and maintain their record. To handle all cases related to Scholarship of employees children, maintain record and follow up. Responsible for keeping liaison with the Government Labor Welfare Department, legal advisor in legal matters and whenever necessary official of the district administration of their public utility departments. To participate in domestic enquiries, to produce documentary evidence on behalf of company representative. To arrange Group Insurance of employees and prepare updated list of all employees, to lodge disability and death claim etc. To prepare updated list of employees members of Provident Fund Contribution Scheme. To prepare the list of employees applied for permanent advance update its record in coordination with payroll Administrator. To verify attendance of both division. To assist Pay Roll Officer in salary preparation. To update record related to statutory requirement. To arrange EOBI cards of employees within time and to arrange monthly contribution. To arrange new Social Security Cards and renewal of cards at the earliest opportunity. To maintain smooth relationship with all workers of the company. To carry out any other job to meet organizational objectives. Good industrial relations, while a recognizable and legitimate objective for an organization, are difficult to define since a good system of industrial relations involves complex relationships between: (a) Workers (and their informal and formal groups, i.e. trade union, organizations and their representatives) (b) Employers (and their managers and formal organizations like trade and professional associations); (c) The government and legislation and government agencies l and independent agencies like the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service. Oversimplified, work is a matter of managers giving instructions and workers following them but (and even under slavery we recognize that different managing produces very different results) the variety of forms which have evolved to regulate the conduct of parties (i.e. laws, custom and practice, observances, agreements) makes the giving and receipt of instructions far from simple. Two types of rule have evolved: Substantive, determining basic pay and conditions of service (what rewards workers should receive); Procedural, determining how workers should be treated and methods and procedures. I worked for filling the documents relating to the induction. I filled the payroll entries which is the basic documentation. And learnt how to include new inductions in payroll which is done through HR. and also seek how made salary sheets in the end of the month During work under Mr. Aftab butt he assigned an task to create any job vacancy for metro hi-tech. So I create job vacancy for telephone operator and describe the need of telephone operator which is following. Metro Hi-Tech Telephone Operator in Gujrat The ingredients of the implementation plan are. Need/problem at the branch. Qualities of a telephone operator Benefits of a telephone operator. How the need created and companies staff decision. Need problem at the branch. Every organization has some problems. Metro has the problem of telephone operator. It can save the precious time of not only manager but other staff as well. On the other hand companys communication system was not doing well overall. Therefore as an internee I felt that there should be a telephone operator who can easily handle this situation. Benefits of the telephone operator It saves precious time of the manager and staff members. It saves the time of the customers. Creates good impression on the customer. Communication within the company. Communication of company with outside enhances. How the need was created The need for telephone operator was created because the staff members would have to leave their work and attend the telephone but sometimes it would be a wrong call, others call or the calls which they wanted to avoid this would not only waste their time but also affect their performance a great deal. Therefore they think its useful to have a spare person for this facility. CRITICAL ANALYSIS Metro Hi Tech have all the departments working and also have got sufficient man power available in terms of quantity a part from human resource department. In the whole organization there are quite good enough experienced human resource available, who are motivated fresh and committed again except human resource department. There is autocracy in organization but still rests of the employees are taken into consideration while making any decisions but partially. CEO of Metro Hi Tech have got strict attitude with employees. He takes an adequate part in daily operations done by management team. Culture of the organization is very learning. Employees tend to help each other they dont feel fear of inferiority by telling or helping. They have flexible culture regarding timings but still everyone has to complete ones working hours. About other rules and regulations they have strong culture each and every thing is communicated to every employee. Coordination among departments has been on the better side in the whole period of mine as an internee. But there is overlapping in departments, which is causing some problems. Organization has very good sales and marketing department with experienced and qualified staff that is why their customer service department is very strong and takes care of customer. Rest of all department are also working properly they all have sufficient quantity and quality of employees but there are two departments about which I recognize that there is problem in terms of quality and quantity of employees, those departments are purchase and human resource department. In purchase department they have sufficient quantity but they have unskilled department because they dont know how to use computer because they have to do a lot of work on computer. Where as in human resource department they have many problems to face some of them are internally caused and some externally. Internally factors are that there is overlapping in human resource department they have insufficient quantity and quality of staff. There are tow retired employees are working whos performance, motivation and commitment is on the lower side and they are very lazy in their work which is disturbing whole coordination of the department. Secondly there is need of at least one employee in human resource department because they have loads of work to do and often fail to meet the assignments. So there is need of fresh blood. Externally factors are stopping them to perform all the human resource functions e.g. training and development of employees, organization doesnt have strategic focus about training and development of employees although human resource department wants to do but top management doesnt. That is reason they have lost many experienced and qualified emp loyees in the past. Another problem is that all the promotions are done on the basis of references and favoritism although they have very good policy of performance appraisal. There is another problem which is that they must have to have their HRIS (Human Resource Information System). They are maintaining their record on MS EXCEL but they must have HRIS to maintain skills inventories. In their workplace area to avoid conflicts between workers they have made a policy which name is supervisory system. They have appointed supervisors to groups who work as moderators. Recommendations: Following are some recommendations for Metro, which we personally feel can be useful for the organization, its employees and the customers. And which helps the organization to improve its effectiveness and efficiency in highly competitive world. The Human Resources should take less time in recruitment and selection. There should be training centers for employees and workers. In training refreshing courses should be adequate and more frequent. Advanced training should b given to employees which enhance their skills. Human Resource Department may advice and train employees for one window operation in order to reduce the time and conserve the resources. Executives and employees should be trained on continuous basis to give them knowledge about the current market trends and new marketing concepts. The promotional criteria by the Human Resource Department should be defined and be as per rules. The proper and competitive evaluation of the methods and procedures adopted by other competitors will enhance the performance of Human Resource Department. Metro should use 360 % appraisal and potential appraisal process to evaluate employees. This is the era of Information Technology. The functions and procedures of the Company should be converted from manual to the automatic. It will enhance the performance of the Human Resource Department and ultimately of the company Human Resource Department should allocate resources for this purpose. Pay packages may be revised in the light of profit earned by the organization. Metro has a formal environment which can be changed to more relax and friendly environment. To establish core competence and to bring competitiveness, metro should implement numerous effective plans to improve the performance of its various departments. Supervisors must manage employee performance well in order for Metro to accomplish its mission and achieve its goals. There should be effective communication system .Establishing and maintaining effective communications with each Employee not only requires good oral and written communications Skills, but it also includes the ability to establish good working Relationships. To communicate effectively with employees, Supervisors must establish an environment that promotes an open Door atmosphere, the sharing of ideas, and employee involvement in decision making processes. When HR manager is going to prepare job description must get information about work to employees it is easy for employees to do work effectively. Employees should be known that what is expected to them and how it will be measured. So KPAs and performance measures should be well communicated to employees.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Role of Instructional Technology in Change Management Essay

The Role of Instructional Technology in Change Management Businesses change processes and personnel to remain competitive. Essentially their bottom line is profit and efficiency. Change management can be described as implementing new ideas and processes by maximizing the positive components and minimizing the negative to management, employees, and customers (Anonymous, 1999, p. 76). There are many variables to consider when implementing a new process to an organization. This paper will focus on successful change management strategies and its significance to instructional technology. A majority of all change management projects are systems driven. "Aggressive companies are accelerating deployment of strategic business applications to achieve market dominance" (Fournier, 1999, p. a10). For example, an organization develops a new computer interface in order to help serve customers more effectively and efficiently. With the new system, employees have access to more account information that, in turn, requires less follow up time, and the customers’ request is handled faster. Furthermore, this new system will support new business initiatives that are scheduled in the near future. Change and configuration management strategies are necessary "†¦to ensure system reliability" (Fournier, 1999, p. a10). Configuration management is defined as "†¦the IT process concerned with identifying, documenting, controlling, and tracking the configuration of interrelated IT components, at discrete points in time, throughout the development or maintenance life cycles" (F ournier, 1999, p. a10). Moreover IT components are also known as configuration items, comprise "†¦a variety of interdependent software, hardware, and networking components" (Fournier, ... ...way’(Laabs, 1999, p. 48). References Anonymous. (1999, February). Zambia seminar on change management. ManagementAccounting-London, 77 (2), 76. Buchanan, D., Claydon, T., & Doyle, M. (1999). Organisation development and change: The legacy of the nineties. Human Resource Management Journal, 9 (2), 20-36. Elam, D., & Meyland, S. (1998, November). You play like you practice. Inform, 12 (10), 42-43. Ettore, B. (1999, May). Change management. Management Review, 88 (5), 8. Fournier, R. (1999, March 22). Keep your apps in top shape. Informationweek, 726, a10-a22. Hibbard, J. (1998, March 9). The learning revolution. Informationweek, 672, 44-60. Laabs, J. (1998, November). Show them where you’re headed. Workforce, 77 (11), 45-48. Wilbur, R., A. (1999, March). Making changes the right way. Workforce, (Workforce Extra Supplement), 12-13.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Internal And External Beauty Essay -- essays research papers

Internal and external beauty are both very important in our society. To be beautiful internally means to have a kind heart and be understanding. To be beautiful externally means to be beautiful on the outside such as having a nice figure and an attractive smile. Internal beauty is important because beyond looks, it is your personality that is noticed. External beauty is important because it is your attractive figure that brings notice to someone’s great personality or external beauty. To me, internal and external beauty are represented and influenced by family members, friends, and society as a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Family members are important how we perceive internal and external beauty. Depending on which family member, there is an absolute distinction made between external beauty and internal beauty. Parents are most likely to look at the internal beauty rather than the external, while siblings look at the external part more closely. This, however, is not always true. My parents seem to favor their ancestry, as compared to others. Since I am of Polish descent, my parents believe that external beauty is irrelevant as that person is Polish. This changes when the person is not Polish. If the person is not Polish, then his or her external beauty for some strange reason becomes very important.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My brother on the other hand seems to be the most reasonable. Sure, he looks if the girl that I am dating is pretty, meaning if she has ext...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Breaking Bad Essay

Breaking bad is an American drama series produced and created by Vince Gilligan The series premiered on January the 20th 2008. Airing on AMC in the us and Canada The show is currently in its 5th and last season, the 2nd half of the show is aired the summer of 2013. The series is about Walter white he is a chemistry teacher, Walter White, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given only two years to live, he decides he has nothing to lose. He lives with his wife and teenage son, who has cerebral palsy, in New Mexico. Determined to ensure that his family will have a secure future, White embarks on a career of drugs and crime. He proves to be remarkably proficient in this new world as he begins manufacturing and selling methamphetamine with one of his former students. The series tracks the impacts of a fatal diagnosis on a regular hard working man and explores how a fatal diagnosis affects his morality and transforms him into a major player of the drug trade Walter white evolves over the seasons from a naà ¯ve chemisty teacher to the mastermind behind a large scale drug operation. Reception Breaking Bad has received widespread critical acclaim and has been praised by some critics as the greatest television drama of all time. It scored a 99/100 on its last season on metaoritic. Metacritic is a review site that combines all the available reviews out there. Awards The seriers has won numerous awards and nominations. Including 7 emmy awards. The actor of walter white, bryan Cranston has won the outstanding lead actor awards for 3 consecutive years. In total the show has won 35 industry awards and been nominated for 117

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe Essay

Many poets and story writers write their stories based upon events and aspects of their life. They do this because it is so relatable and easy to write about because there is some truth in the words. Edgar Allan Poe is said to be one of these because his stories actually relate to his tragic, love stricken life. He is known to lead an overall depressing life that was full of loss and grief of loved ones. So because of this, Poe suffered most of his life. But although he had many misfortunes, he resorted to his passion of poetry to help him. Poe wrote many stories and poems that both reflected and represented his life. Stories such as Annabel Lee strongly show this as it is about the death of a loved women. Edgar Allan Poe was a mysterious man that accomplished many feats and went on to become one of the world’s most famous poets, although he also had a devastating life. On January 19th, 1809, Edgar Poe was born in Boston (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). He began his tragic life at a young age of three years old when his mother died and father left him (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). Then as an orphan, young Edgar was adopted by his uncle, a tobacco merchant, John Allan, and his wife Frances (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). After years of school, Poe was admitted to the University of Virginia at only sixteen, but stayed for only one semester because of lack of financial aid from Allan (Giordano). Angry with Allan, Poe decided to enlist into the army as a private (Giordano). There, he published his first book in 1827, â€Å"Tamerlane and Other Poems,† and his career as a writer spiraled outward from there (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). Poe continued to write and publish small books, earned little money, and did what he could to get noticed. He soon had another book published and by this point, he had a great fan base and was considered a celebrity in Baltimore (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). His readers felt his work was so unique and sometimes even asked for autographs from Poe. From this publicity, he was earning good money. But the good fortune didn’t last long and he was soon at the poverty level again and moved back and forth from New York to Virginia, submitting stories to and working for different magazines, getting small amounts of money here and there. Then, in 1841, while working for Grahams Magazine (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† NNBD), Poe wrote the first ever detective story, a murder mystery. It was titled â€Å"The Murders in the Rue Morgue† (Giordano). The public had never seen this kind of story so it immediately became famous and Edgar’s fame rose even higher. Poe had created a whole new topic in literature and some agree that this was his greatest contribution to world literature. In the next several years, Poe lost his wife Virginia but continued writing novels and stories in his grief (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Gale). This is said to be a basis for inspirations for his stories such as Annabel Lee and others (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). He once said â€Å"The death of a beautiful woman is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world. † (LeVert 12). When not further loved, Poe tried to commit suicide in Boston (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† NNBD). In this state of depression, Poe wrote the poem â€Å"Annabel Lee† using his favorite theme, the grief a man feels when he loses women (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). Poe died on the October 7th due to complications related to a brain lesion (Giordano). This was the end of the tragic life of poet Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe led an influential but very rough life. He was usually in need of money despite his fame, but wrote a total of 30 books alongside starting a whole new genre of writing. This author/poet wrote some of the best stories and poems and although he wasn’t so lucky in the events of his life, he will always be remembered as a great influence on American Literature. One of the stories Poe wrote relating to the â€Å"death of a beautiful women† was Annabel Lee wrote in 1849, approximately 5 months before his death. This makes sense because throughout his life, Poe had lost many women to death in his life including his mother and his only wife Virginia, who died two years prior to the poem being written (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). There has been debate on who this tragic story is about but most believe that is was truly written for Virginia, who he had married when she was 13 years old and died in 1847 (Giordano). This is supported by the fact that Virginia was Edgar’s only marriage, and the only one of his girlfriends that had died (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). Also, in the poem, the narrator says that he fell in love with â€Å"Annabel Lee† when they were children and he did make her his wife (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). The famous poem is about, again, the death of a beautiful woman named Annabel Lee and the eternal love after death he fells for her. The narrator says that â€Å"even winged seraphs of heaven coveted her and me† meaning that even the angels in heaven were jealous of the love he and Annabel shared (Giordano). Like Poe’s love for Virginia, the narrator expresses great loss and sadness when she dies, losing his one true love. As also implied in the poem, he sits by her grave at night just to be near his loved one. This shows the divine love he had for â€Å"Annabel Lee† (Giordano). Annabel Lee is a prose poem written in the first person and was first published in Sartain’s Union Magazine. As it was so close to his date of death, it was his very last completed poem (â€Å"Edgar Allan Poe† Wikipedia). Edgar Allan Poe had a great impact in the poetry and the overall literature world. He was a very mysterious man who lived a tough life and went through several struggles including death of loved ones. But from these losses and hardships came the inspiration for incredible poems like â€Å"Annabel Lee†. He wrote some of the world’s best poems, short stories, and novels and in doing so introduced the first detective story to America. The inspiring work he produced will be read and cherished forever.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Different Theories of Management Essay

Nowadays we have new implementing plans for management. The different theories of management are: classical, behavioral, quantitative and quality management theory, systematic and contingency management theory. The classical management theory focuses on finding the â€Å"one best way† to accomplish and manage task (p. 37,2008. W. Plunkett, R. Attner, G. Allen). The behavioral management theory recognizes employees as individuals with real human needs. It is very important for the manager to establish trusted relationships and value his/her employees. Successful leader will put his staff first. Good communication with employees- key to success! From my personal experience, I had bad first-level management in our department. The most important, I felt that, they are using employees as a machine in the factory, like in old days practices. There were no communication connection between workers and â€Å"the boss†. All they wanted to know your working schedule: â€Å"When are you coming to work or can you stay late today? â€Å" I could not work there for a long time. There was no teamwork feeling and very poor customer service. Now, I have a better place to work, where the leaders appreciate and value you. I definitely have closer relationship with management. Our manager has a good communication skills, she creates a warm, productive atmosphere. We solve problems together as a team. I am proud to say that we only get a positive feedback from our customers. The quantitative management theory uses mathematical tools to help plan, control and analyze nearly everything in an organization. Quality management process is leading to ability to meet the needs of the customers. Total quality comes from satisfied customers. The systems management theory powers that an organization comprises various parts that must perform tasks necessary for the survival and proper functioning of the system as a whole. Human resources management is a core of the organization, because those people responsible for interviewing people and checking their professional skills. The contingency management theory is based on the premise that manager’s preferred actions or approaches depend on the variables of the situations they face (p. 50,2008). Early Management Theories In the past, the old system required the boss to do everything. For example, to manage, planning, processing, thinking, finance and analyze budget. Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) â€Å"The Father of Scientific Management†. Scientific Management theory arose from the need to increase productivity in the U. S. A. especially, where skilled labor was in short supply at the beginning of the twentieth century. The only way to expand productivity was to raise the efficiency of workers. Taylor devised four principles for scientific management theory, which were: 1. The development of a true science of management, 2. The scientific selection and training of workers, 3.  Proper remuneration for fast and high-quality work 4. Equal division of work and responsibility between worker and manager Successful management requires an understanding of the fundamental concepts of effective management techniques and principles. In order to gain such insight, and manage effectively and efficiently, managers must develop an awareness of past management principles, models and theories. From the turn of the 20th Century, the need for a formal management theory was growing evident; organizations required a system to guide managers in an attempt to improve productivity and efficiency of workers. This urgency for a theory saw the development of six major management approaches, the focus of this essay will be on two of the classical management theories; the scientific management theory and the human relations movement. The contributions of both these theories will be examined, followed by an analysis of the similarities and differences that these two theories propose. The last point will see a discussion of the relevance that these two theories have in modern managerial practice.