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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Behaviour policy Essay Example for Free

Behaviour policy Essay Behaviour policy is a guideline to all staff on how pupil behaviour should be managed it is important that this policy is constantly being applied to ensure full safety of the pupils; this is why all staff must be familiar with this policy. The policy outlines the schools aims of how to create a positive community atmosphere in which children can learn effectively by showing good standards of behaviour. The school aims to identify and respond to good behaviour in children, promoting a positive classroom environment where children with good behaviour and work are recognised. It outlines rewards sanctuary’s and sets put a code of conduct that all children staff, parents and governors should be aware of. Although good behaviour is encouraged in schools, children will still behave inappropriate at times consequences for bad behaviour †¢Name on the board (sad face) †¢Miss time out from golden times, break or lunch play. Be sent to the head of year / deputy head †¢Be sent to the head teacher and a meeting with parents. Good Behaviour †¢Full golden time awarded †¢Raffle tickets gained †¢Star of the day †¢Extra time to choose activities †¢Certificates in Friday assembly All staff can give certain rewards and sanctuary however some may be given by a certain member of staff for example, if you behave well you may be chosen to put your name down on the deputy chart and then at the end of each term a prize is given to the one that is chosen. Golden rules †¢Always do your best †¢Be proud of our work and our school †¢Be polite at all times †¢Respect each other’s property †¢Treat other as we would like to be treated ourselves Bullying policy is there to prevent and deal with any behaviour that is bullying, and to promote an ethos where bullying is regarded as unacceptable, so that a safe and secure environment is created for everyone to learn and work in. This policy applies to everyone in, and every one visiting, our community. The setting policy includes guidance on how to prevent bullying. Discusses monitors and reviews our anti-bullying policy on a regular basis. Supports staff to promote positive relationships and identify and tackle bullying appropriately. Ensures that pupils are aware that all bullying concerns will be dealt with sensitively and effectively that pupil feel safe to learn and that pupil go by the bullying policy. Reports back to parents/carers on bullying and deal with complaints. Definition on bullying is name calling, taunting, mocking, making offensive comments,; kicking; hitting; taking belongings; inappropriate text messaging and electronic messaging (including through web-sites, Social Networking sites and Instant Messenger); sending offensive or degrading images by phone or via the internet; producing offensive graffiti; gossiping; excluding people from groups and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours. Bullying can happen to anyone the policy covers all types of bullying including: †¢Bullying related to race, religion or culture. †¢Bullying related to special educational needs. †¢Bullying related to appearance or health conditions. †¢Bullying related to sexual orientation. †¢Bullying of young carers or looked after children or otherwise related to home circumstances. †¢Sexist or sexual bullying. †¢Cyber bullying.

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